Your questions answered
Common questions
Q1.What are Compression garments ?
A. Compression Garments are custom-made covers scientifically and fabricated to apply physiologically correct pressure on any part of the body
Q2.What does Custom-made mean ?
A. Custom-Made means made to an individuals requirements and measurements.
Q3. What is the purpose of Compression Garments ?
A. There are certain medical condition which warrant continuous application or physiologically correct compression on some parts of the body. Compression Garments are needed for applying the required compression as a parts of the treatment in these conditions. Post burn scarring , skin grafting , lipo-suction, vericose veins and some other circulatory disorders are common example of these conditions .
Q4. How are Compression Garments different from ordinary garments ? or Are they expected to feel tight ?
A. Yes Ordinary garments are worn for covering the body whereas Compression Garments are part of a treatment they are slightly uncomfortable since they are tight but they are worn not for covering the body but for well being . They are meant to be tight because their basic function is to apply takes a few days to get accustomed to the compression.
Q5. Why id it important ti have the Compression Garments Custom-Made ?
A. Bodies of no two individuals are alike in shape, size and dimensions. for proper treatment a particular amount of compression in needed on different part of the body. Too much compression and too little may not be effective.
Compression Garments can be made to exert the eight kind of compression only if they are made to the measurements of an individuals.
Q6.should Compression garments be worn 24 hours a day?
A. The Answer is Yes in most of the condition. Whenever compression garments are used for avoiding or treating hypertrophies or applying compression on the grafted site they should be worn 24 hours a day. The patients must maintain at least two sets of the garments and should change them once a day .
Q7. Are Compression Garments difficult to put on ?
A. The answer is yes and no. Compression Garments are considerably more difficult to put on than ordinary garments because of the counter pressures built in them . whereas with a little bit of technique and practice it becomes considerable easy.
Q8. Can the patient use mormal clothing alongwith Compression Garments ?
A. Yes Compression Garments are made out a very thin material and they are to be worn to bare skin. once they are worn they become almost a part of the body and patient can wear normal clothing ( including undergarments) over them.
Q9. What to do of the patient feels uncomfortable ?
A. Don’t worry! Wait for a few days because the body normally takes a few days to get accustomed to the compression. if the discomfort continues even after a few days of regular use, stop using the garments and contact us.
Q10. Who decides that the fitting id not proper ?
A. Only the prescribing physician or therapist are qualified to make decision regarding the fitting because they know What kind of pressure is a appropriate and what is not.
Q11. Why are Compression Garments needed br washed ?
A. Compression Garments are like undergarments, always in touch with you and, therefore, to maintain hygiene and to increase their life they should be washed after every use and a clean one should be worn every morning. Hence they are needed in pairs.
Q12. How should Compression Garments be washed ?
A. They should be hand washed daily with any good detergents in normal water. detailed Washing Instruction are there with the Garments.
Q13. How long do the Compression Garments last ?
A. This depends on salt, oil, acid or alkaline nature of the wearer’s skin. However if the instruction are followed and proper care is taken their life can be considerably increased.
Q14. Are there some other methods of applying compression ?
A. Theoretically there are certain other methods but none of them is practical because none of these methods can apply the physiologically correct compression which a needed for treating the patient. The only scientific method of applying physiologically correct compression is to use custom-made FITZY ORTHOTICS Compression Garments.
Q15. What are the advantages of using FITZY ORTHOTICS Compression Garments ?
A. FITZY ORTHOTICS Compression Garments are the only 100% cotton, Custom-made Compression Garments developed for the India weather condition. The 100% cotton fabric has been specially developed for the Indian weather condition. This rules out the fabricated as per the size of the patients. This ensures that the garments are totally effective and comfortable of the patients.